SSTIs are commonly due to Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species, although anaerobic and polymicrobial infection has also been reported in PWID (34). In those with abdominal pain, particularly left upper quadrant pain, the practitioner should also be concerned about possible splenic infract or splenic abscess from septic emboli (31). IV drugs such as opioids and cocaine may result in non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema (12, 28). Of note, acute opioid withdrawal caused by opioid antagonists such as naloxone may result in non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema and ARDS through a mechanism of massive sympathetic discharge (9). Other causes of AMS or neurological abnormalities in PWID include septic emboli to CNS from endocarditis, mycotic aneurysms, and delayed leukoencephalopathy (6). Individuals may feel embarrassed about seeking treatment, but IV drug addiction happens to people of all walks of life, and there shouldn’t be any stigma or shame in seeking appropriate help.
Deep vein thrombosis
The addiction experts at Clearbrook Pennsylvania dive into the possible IV drug use health issue, emphasizing the importance of developing comprehensive strategies for harm reduction, treatment, and prevention in the face of iv drug use this critical public health issue. Participants repeatedly reported poor vein health as a result of their history of injection drug use. Consequently, most participants reported needing multiple injection attempts per injection episode (MIPIE) in order to achieve a successful injection. IV drug users are at high risk of pneumonia, resulting from aspiration or hematogenous spread of bacteria. Other infections that are not directly caused by drug injection but are common among IV drug users include tuberculosis, syphilis, and other sexually transmitted infections. Needle sharing and use of nonsterile techniques can lead to many infectious complications.
Rapid IV injections
There are what is alcoholism numerous complications from injection drug use, some unique to the type of drug being used. The complications of every injectable drug are outside of the scope of this article; we will be focusing instead on complications of the injection route of drug use. However, some notable complications of a few injectable drugs will be discussed. According to CDC data from 2014, 27 million people aged 12 or older tried drugs in the last 30 days, about 1 in 10 Americans (3).
Vascular complications
In some cases, bacteria from the surface of the skin may get into the catheter line and cause an infection. The drawback of an IV infusion is that it does not allow for a large dose of a medication to enter the body at once. For this reason, an IV infusion may not be an appropriate method when a person requires a medication urgently. The sections below look at some pros and cons of direct IV injections and infusions. Injection risk behaviors and participants’ perception of these risks with respect to SBI were highlighted during the interviews with resultant emergence of themes. The risk is higher when people attempt to inject the same amount of the substance they were accustomed to, only to find their tolerance = reduced during periods of abstinence.
Intravenous drug use may present with abnormalities of any organ system, with musculoskeletal or vascular complications the most common, and may affect multiple parts of the body simultaneously. Therefore, timely recognition of typical imaging features and patterns is imperative. On top of the fact that drug abuse can damage several aspects of a person’s life, the route of administration can lead to added health problems for the user. While many people may be willing to brush off these warnings, IV drug use complications are no joke.