Solana: How to connect a wallet from solana-web3.js or @solana/wallet-adapter-react with onClick?

Here is an article on how to trigger a wallet connection from onClick using solana-web3.js or @solana/wallet-adapter-react:

Triggering Wallet Connect from onClick in Solana Web3.js and React

When building a Solana-based application using React, it is often necessary to perform an action on an element upon click. However, using useEffect hooks can be cumbersome if you need to perform complex logic or handle multiple clicks. In this article, we will explore how to trigger a wallet connection from onClick in solana-web3.js and @solana/wallet-adapter-react.


Before we dive into the solution, make sure you have:

  • A Solana-based project built with React.
  • solana-web3.js library installed (npm install solana-web3)
  • Wallet connected to your Solana node (e.g. via browser extension or desktop app).

Using useWallet() and onClick in React

Solana: How to trigger a wallet connect from onClick with solana-web3.js or @solana/wallet-adapter-react

In your React component, use the useWallet() hook to get the user’s public key:

import { publicKey } from 'solana-web3';

const MyComponent = () => {

const { publicKey, sendTransaction } = useWallet();

const handleWalletConnect = () => {

// This is where you run the wallet connection logic

console.log('Wallet connected!');


return (

{/ Your component code can be found here /}



In this example, the `handleWalletConnect function is called when the user clicks the `Connect Walletbutton.

Triggering Wallet Connect fromonClickwithuseEffectin Solana Web3.js

If you need to perform more complex logic or handle multiple clicks, usinguseEffectcan help. Here is an example:

import { publicKey } from 'solana-web3';

const MyComponent = () => {

const [connected, setConnected] = React.useState(false);

useEffect(() => {

if (publicKey) {

// This is where you run the wallet connection logic

console.log('Wallet connected!');


} else {



}, [publicKey]);

const handleWalletConnect = () => {

// This is where the wallet connection logic

console.log('Wallet connected!');


return (

{/ Your component code can be found here /}



In this example, we use useEffectto check if the public key is set before running the wallet connection logic. If it is not set, we callhandleWalletConnect().


If you are using@solana/wallet-adapter-react, you can also trigger the wallet connection fromonClick:

import { publicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';

import WalletAdapterReact from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react';

const MyComponent = () => {

const wallet = new WalletAdapterReact();

const handleWalletConnect = async () => {

// This is where you trigger the wallet connection logic

console.log('Wallet connected!');


return (

{/ Your component code can be found here /}



In this example, we will create a new instance of WalletAdapterReactand use itsonConnectevent to handle the wallet connection logic when the user clicks theConnect Walletbutton.

I hope this helps you trigger a wallet connection fromonClick` in your Solana-based React app!

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