Ethereum: Creating safe AA wallet from python

Creating Safe AA Wallets with Python: A Guide to Ethereum

As a developer, managing digital assets like cryptocurrencies can be complex. One of the most secure and convenient ways to store and manage your coins is by using an Automatic Address (AA) wallet. In this article, we’ll explore how to create safe AA wallets using Python and the Gnosis library.


Gnosis is a popular open-source project that provides a simple and secure way to manage Ethereum addresses. The library offers various tools for creating and managing AA wallets, including key generation, signing transactions, and converting between different formats (e.g., PEM, OpenPGP).


Before we dive into the code, ensure you have:

1.Python 3.6+

  • dnspython for DNS resolution

  • pyOpenSSL for cryptography

  • Gnosis library (pip install gnosis-py)

Setting Up the Project

Create a new Django project and add the following dependencies:

django-admin starter project aa_wallets

cd aa_wallets

pip install dnspython pyOpenSSL

Creating an AA Wallet

In your Django app, create a new file with the following code:

from django.db import models

class AAWallet(models.Model):

name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

private_key = models.CharField(max_length=256)

public_key = models.CharField(max_length=256)

def __str__(self):


Creating an AA Wallet in Django

In your Django app, create a new view function create_wallet that will generate and store the AA wallet:

from .models import AAWallet

def create_wallet(request):

if request.method == 'POST':

data = request.POST

name = data['name']

private_key = data['private_key']

public_key = data['public_key']

Generate a new private key for the wallet

aa_wallet = AAWallet(name=name, private_key=private_key)

return HttpResponse("AA wallet created successfully!")


return render(request, 'create_wallet.html')

Generating an AA Wallet using Gnosis

To generate an AA wallet securely and conveniently, use the following code:

import ox

from gnosis_py import create_aa_wallet

def generate_wallet(request):

if request.method == 'POST':

data = request.POST

name = data['name']

private_key_file = data['private_key_file']

Create an AA wallet using Gnosis's create_aa_wallet function

aa_wallet = create_aa_wallet(private_key_file, name)

return HttpResponse("AA wallet created successfully!")


return render(request, 'generate_wallet.html')

Signing Transactions

Ethereum: Creating safe AA wallet from python

To sign transactions, use the following code:

import ox

from gnosis_py import sign_transaction

def sign_transaction(request):

if request.method == 'POST':

data = request.POST

address = data['address']

Generate a new private key for the wallet

aa_wallet = AAWallet(name='My AA Wallet', private_key=os.path.expanduser('~/.gnosis/').joinpath('private_key.pem'))

Sign a transaction using Gnosis's sign_transaction function

signed_transaction = sign_transaction(aa_wallet, address)

return HttpResponse("Transaction signed successfully!")


return render(request, 'sign_transaction.html')


In this article, we’ve shown how to create and manage AA wallets securely with Python using the Gnosis library. By following these steps:

  • Create a new Django project and add dependencies.

  • Define an AAWallet model in your app.

  • Create views for creating and generating AA wallets.


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