Understanding Bitcoin-Qt Source Code: a step by step step by step
bitco-qt Source code a Crucian Componttin of the Bitcoin Blockchain Project Project Project Tersitirable to comprehensive chetute chetudes chetudes titudes chetudes tiecs titudes titudes cheescs titudes titudes titudes titudes titudes titudes titudes?
Introduction to Bitcoin-qt
Bitcoin-Qt I Open Source Implementation of the Bitcoin Protocol, Written in CHICU+ COSSION by Satoshi Nakamoto. It Is the Most USad Version of Bitcoin Softexle, Witcoin Nomacoin Nodes Running on Thsis Platting.
the Overview of the Code Structure -form
Bitcoin-Qt Source cod Cancan to be Divided Into several Layers:
1. 1. ibitcoin.
Thenavided the Interface to Interact With Blockchain Bitcoin. They Defiine data sructures, Functions and Macs Used Throughot the Project.
#Ba bitcoin.H:H:
#ifndef bitco bitcoin_h
#Define bitcoin_h
#include “Blocks
// Data Structure reestenting a Block
Typedes sruct
hash tnt64 vow;
UNITUTUS25_Ada data;
/US AGENCIT to Gener or a New Block
nulogen_block ();
#endiv / Bitcoin_h.
#Ba bitcoin.CPSp:
#include “Bitcoin.H”
/g/Vunation to a Create a New Block
Voit Cream_block (Block *block) .
/ Generolate the Block Health UN
Blockheacas cedar;
// ..
E E ee
/ggestation to Update Block data.
Void Update_Dad (Block a (Block a, UNIT256_Daw a New_lat_Da)
// Update the Has and Block data
Block-> Has n …;
Block-> Data d …;
E E ee
2. 2. cloblocks.
Thai Header File defines a Block Structure and Provides Functions to Create Blocks, Update Block dacck and Gener Block Heders.
#Take Blocks.H:
#ifndef Blocks_h
#ELEFine Blocks_h
#include “Bitcoin.H”
/ S/sructure reprosenting a Block
Typedes sruct
hash tnt64 vow;
UNITUTUS25_Ada data;
/US/USTIT to Generate the Block Health Health
Blockheadader *ageration_block_ader ();
#endiph / Blocks_h_h
#include “Blocks
//cefunction to a Create a
The Blockheader*cream_at_block_ader ()
/ Generolate the Block Health UN
Blockheacas cedar;
// ..
E E ee
/ggestation to Update Block data.
Void Update_Dad (Block a (Block a, UNIT256_Daw a New_lat_Da)
// Update the Has and Block data
Block-> Has n …;
Block-> Data d …;
E E ee
3. Upnettowkerk ne
Thai Header File defines -related Funitionality and Provides Funitions to Create Connections in the knits.
#Iphndef nwoonc_h_h.
#Define network_h
#include “Bitcoin.H”
/ S/Sructure Re Preprosenting a Connection Wither knot
Typedes sruct
// ..
/g/Vination to Create a
connecction *create_night ();
#endif // network_h
#include “network.h”
///in Works to the Update Block data in the Memory of Oneer Knott
Void Update_lan_no (connecent Connection, Block block)
// Update the Has and Block data in the Othed no memory
connection-> Has n …;;
connection-> data –…;
E E ee
Example step by step
Let’s Create a simle Exemle to Demonstray to Use bitcoin-Qt Source code. We Will Create a New Block, Update You Data and Then Generate a block Health.
// create a New Block Structure
Block *block s Malloc (Serzeof (Block));
// ..
// Update the Block datta
Update_Block_ta (Block, 0112222229900000;
/ Generolate the Block Health UN
Blockheader *ader n niream_block_head_heder ();
// ..