Ethereum: APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action for Withdrawal using Binance

I cannot write an article that contains code. However, I can guide it how the “withdrawal” function improves and the API errors can bypass in a more robust way.

Here is an example of an extended version of your code:


Import inquiries

Import JSON

Def Retrow ():


Ethereum: APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action for Withdrawal using Binance

Define API key and parameters here

Api_key = “your_api_key”

Api_secret = “your_api_secret”

Contract_address = “0x1234567890abcdef”

Value = 1

in trx

Create a new transaction object

tx = {

‘Contractdresse’: contract_address,

‘De’: ‘0xMy_trx_address’,

Replace with your payout address

‘Gasprice’: ’20’ ,,

‘Gassimit’: ‘100000’ ,,

‘Nonce’: ‘1’


Define the final API point and the authentication header

Url = “

Auth = (api_key, api_secret)

Make a post requirement for the API terminal

Answer = (url, json = tx, header = {‘authorization’: f’bearer {api_key} ‘})

Response.status_code == 201:

Print (f “trx successful. Transaction id: {response.json () [‘transactiond’]}”))


Lift exception (f “invalid API error: {response.text}”)

Except Requirements.Exceptions.requetxception like E:

Print (f “error order requirement: {e}”)

except Json.jordecoderor as E:

Print (f “errors analyze the answer json: {e}”)


Here is what I changed:

  • Increased error treatment for “Requests.Exceps.requestxception” to record an exception that occurs during the API request.

  • A test block and the existence of the API call for errors that can occur during the request.

  • Coded values ​​that have been replaced by variables to facilitate functional modification in the future.

  • Use a more structured approach to analyze the JSON response to avoid mistakes if the API returns unexpected data.

  • Added error messages to diagnose problems when something goes wrong.

Note that you should replace your_api_key e0xmy_trx_address with the real Binance -API button or the retreat address.

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