Error Initialization of Solana’s anchoring for multiple projects
I’m Mfoniso Ofori, a developer who was faced with a general issue when trying to initialize the Solana Anchor project on several projects. In this article, I pass the steps to solve the error and give guidance to avoid the future.
The problem: different cargo versions
When running an anchor in several projects, it often experiences a mistake that looks like this:
Error: Failed to analyze the closing file at /home/mfoniso/desktop/code/sol/mycalculatepp/cargo.lock
Version 4 of the Lock file was found, but this version of Cargo does not understand this lock file, …
This error indicates that the Solana Anchor project uses the “cargo.lock” file other than what you expect.
Step 1: Identify different versions
To solve the problem, you need to determine which versions of “cargo.lock” files are used in projects. You can do this by checking the following:
- Open the “cargo.toml” file for each project and find the “version” section.
- Check that any of the “version” sections have different values than 1.0.0.
Step 2: Update the version
Once you have determined which versions are used, you can update them to match the version required by the cargo.lock
file in the projects. To do this:
- Open the “cargo.toml” file for each project and change the “version” section to match the desired version.
- If a project uses an older version of “Cargo.Lock”, it could be better to update it at the same time.
Step 3: Check update
After updating the version, check that the problem is solved by restarting the Init Init for each project. If you continue to experience problems, try updating the cargo.toml files for both projects.
More tips and considerations
- Make sure that projects use the same
- Use the following command to update all cargo.Lock files in a directory:
cargo update -all
This updates all cargo.Lock files in the specified directory, including other projects.
When the anchor is run, there are many Solana anchor projects, and it is common with errors in different versions of the “cargo.lock” file. By following these steps, you can solve the problem and ensure that all projects use the Cargo.Lock file in the same version. In addition, the use of devices such as “Cargo Update -Lall” can help modernize the process and prevent future problems.
Example Usage Case:
Suppose you have two Solana anchor projects, “Project-a” and “Project-B”. Both projects use the cargo.toml
file 1.0.0. For both projects anchor init is run by:
anchor init project-a
anchor init project-b
For both projects, the Cargo.Lock file is made with different versions than 4. This may occur if you have made changes to the “cargo.toml” files or when you use different load versions.
After identifying the problem, it updates the “cargo.toml” files on both projects:
Version = “1.0.0”
And run the anchor init again:
anchor init project-a
anchor init project-b
If all goes well, the problem is solved and you can use Solana’s anchor projects without any further problems.