Solana: How do pool keys for tokens that migrated to Raydium differ from standard AMM pool tokens?

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Solana: How Token Pool Keys Changed Due to Raydium Migration

The Solana blockchain has undergone significant changes in recent months, and one of the most notable updates is the migration of tokens to Raydium. As a result, several pool keys have been updated and their behavior is different from what we have seen before.

Standard AMM Pool Tokens vs. Migrated Pool Keys

In Solana, AMM (Automatic Market Maker) pool tokens are managed by the “pool” structure, which contains information about the state of the token and liquidity providers. Standard AMM pool tokens have a specific set of fields that define their behavior, such as “amount_0”, “amount_1”, “reserve_0”, etc.

When the pool keys of tokens were migrated to Raydium, some of the standard field names were retained, but with minor modifications. Specifically:

  • The field `amount_0'' was renamed fromamount_2'' to simplyamount_0''.
  • Some fields, such asreserve_1'' andreserve_2'', were renamed or removed.
  • Thepool_state_key'' field, which stores pool state information, was also modified. In Raydium, this field is calledraydium_pool_state''.

Key Differences

Solana: How do pool keys for tokens that migrated to Raydium differ from standard AMM pool tokens?

The updated pool keys of tokens in Raydium differ from the standard AMM tokens in several ways:

  • Amount 0: As mentioned earlier, the amount field was renamed fromamount_2'' toamount_0''.
  • Reserved Information: Reserve fields are no longer explicitly named as such. Instead, reserves are stored in a separate object called "reserve_state". This change allows for greater flexibility and easier management.
  • Pool State Key: As previously mentioned, the pool state key field has been renamed toraydium_pool_state`.

What this means for pool management

The updated pool keys have a significant impact on pool managers and developers. With the transition to Raydium, tokens will use a more modern and flexible system that better supports scalability and performance.

However, it is important to note that the changes are still relatively minor, and many of the existing pool key structures will likely remain largely unchanged. This update marks an exciting new chapter in the Solana ecosystem as Raydium continues to grow and evolve.

For developers and pool managers looking to migrate their tokens, this article provides a valuable resource for understanding the changes. With practice and time, these updated pool keys should become second nature to those working with AMM pools on Solana.


The migration of token pool keys to Raydium represents a significant step forward in the evolution of the ecosystem. By adopting this change, developers can unlock new opportunities for scalability and performance while maintaining compatibility with existing infrastructure. As the Solana blockchain continues to evolve, it is essential to stay informed about these updates and their implications for pool management.

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