Bitcoin: Getting error for transferring BTC using node js code, getting error “No inputs were signed”

Troubleshooting Bitcoin Node.js Code Error: “No Entries Signed”

As a Bitcoin developer, you’ve probably encountered the infamous “No Entries Signed” error. This issue can be frustrating, especially when building a system that requires transferring funds from one user’s wallet to another. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into why this error occurs and provide guidance on how to resolve it using Node.js.

Understanding the Error

When a request is made to transfer Bitcoin (BTC) in your code, the bitcoinjs-rs library (a popular choice for building Bitcoin-based applications) attempts to create a new transaction. However, if the recipient’s wallet signature is not properly signed, the bitcoinjs-rs library will throw an error.

“No Entries Signed” Error

This error occurs when the sender and recipient’s wallets do not have matching private keys or their signatures are invalid. The bitcoinjs-rs library expects both parties to provide a valid signature for each transaction entry (eg UTXOs being transferred).

When you try to create a new transaction without signed entries, the library generates an error saying “No entries were signed.”

Example Node.js code

Let’s take a closer look at how your particular Node.js code could be causing this problem:

const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-rs');

// Load wallet (UTXO) from disk

const utxos = loadWallet();

// Create a new transaction without signed entries

const tx = {

sender: 'Expendable', // sender address

receiver: 'Spendable', // receiver address


tx.inputs = [{

address: 'Expendable',

scriptSig: [bitcoin.SigType.HMAC, '0x1234567890abcdef'],

scriptPubKey: [[bitcoin.ScriptPubKey.ASSIGN_SCRIPT pubkey, '0x1234567890abcdef'])],



// Signing transaction entries

tx.inputs.forEach((input) => {



// Try creating a new transaction without signed entries

const result = bitcoin.createTransaction(tx);


To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that both parties provide a valid signature for each entry in the transaction. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Load and verify UTXOs: Load the UTXO wallet from disk and verify its validity by checking the state and ownership.
  • Sign the entries

    Bitcoin: Getting error for transferring BTC using node js code, getting error

    : Use bitcoin.signTransaction() to sign each entry with the sender’s private key. You can use a library like BitcoinJS-Wallet-Node or create your own implementation for this step.

  • Create a new transaction: Create a new transaction using bitcoin.createTransaction(), passing in the signed inputs.

Here is an updated example code snippet:


const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-rs');

// Load and verify UTXOs

const utxos = loadWallet();

utxos.forEach((txo) => {

if (!bitcoin.verifyTxHash(txo.hash, txo.outpoint)) {

console.error(Invalid transaction hash: ${txo.hash}`);




// Subscribe to entries

const sender = bitcoin.createAddress(‘Spendable’);

const receiver = bitcoin.createAddress(‘Claim’);

const senderSign = bitcoin.signTransaction({


inputs: => {


address: txo.address,

scriptSig: bitcoin.SigType.HMAC, // Sign with sender’s private key

scriptPubKey:[bitcoin.ScriptPubKey.ASSIGN_SCRIPT.pubkey, ‘0x1234567890abcdef’])],




// Create a new transaction

const result = bitcoin.createTransaction({

inputs: => {


address: txo.address,

scriptSig: bitcoin.SigType.HMAC, // Sign with sender’s private key



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