Bitcoin: Why does RBF rule #3 exist?

RBF Rule n ° 3: Absolute little minimum

As the scalability of Bitcoin and generally continues to grow, it is essential to understand how the Messor-Replacements.MD Documentation n ° 3 of RBF (Fultane Byzantine covered (Byzantine Fultine (Byzantine Fultine). In Thist art, we will dive Veele fee minimal minimal mine examination in RBF and what involves the network.

RBF sub-series *

RBF Schanism designer to prevent your frost, it will place beaches during the randomized processing process which naces the attack with the validity of the transaction. Howver, white which he cooks in scalability and conviviality, the RBF can be ineffective, led to higher costs for minors.

ABSOLE A few minutes

To solve this problem, the Documentation of vessel ships in RBF. There is insurance The transformations of Tit Thical saves the minimum wage for Bitcoin. This means that even with the aggression of multiple nodes with the validation of the transaction, it is still necessary to reach the absolute thresholds of irritating payments.

Why abolish the costs * cho minimums exist

The purple of absolute vegetables is multifaceted:

  • * Reduction of the volume of transactions : by obliging the transformations to be exhausted with an absolutely absolute minors of minors to include more transformation in their volume of commemorative and reduction transaction.

  • * Increase in triéoughs : with more transformation included in the Messor, the process of minors, the ultimate leaves increase through the network.

  • prevent over-balaage *: abolish minimum minimum nodes since over-balaial, wax the number of low value transcations (generate with “Extend as” spack “or” agriculture “) and the NCAIM High Festival Transactions.

Implications for network stability

Bitcoin: Why does RBF rule #3 exist?

Absolute minimums are considerably there are implications for network stability:

  • * Increased risk of costs : The threshold thresholds absolutely of the transaction are absolutely transaction, minors can private transactions on locks, exploration of increased costs, increasing costs for all values .

  • Potential for network congestion : with high transactions volumes and an increase in flow rate, pometial congestion. Absolute minimot minimum this problem by the insured that high values ​​of high value are represented.


Absolute minimum in RBF as a crucial mechanism for stability and scalability of insurance. By establishing a threshold of absolute costs, minors of minors to include values ​​in their Memols, reducing the volume of transactions and increasing by singing. This corridor that the Bircoin network remains used and accessible to all users, even high transaction volumes.


  • (Official Documentation)

  • [Bitcoin Core Development Team] (

Note: The artist is a neutral tone, focusing on the provision of an explanation of the concept of promotion or criticism of the specification of respect for bitcoin or RBF.

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