Ethereum: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘binance’

Modular financier failure Python-Binance

As a popular cryptocurrency option, you can meet an unexpected “Modenotfounderror” while trying to install or use the Python-Binance library. This error is usually due to problems related to installing modules addictions or separation names during the package install.

Understanding the error

Modulenotfounderror: Any module called 'Binance' 'shows that Python cannot find a module called" Binance ". This can happen when your Python environment cannot find the, which is the Python-Binance” library.

Re -rename the library with Binnie

One of the decisions is to name the file something different from its original name. In this way, it guarantees that the installation process of the package can be found and used for this re -named file.

This will allow you to re -name the file “”:


Go to the project directory


Name file for something other than "binance"

mv binance_original_name

Optional, Update Python Module Trails to control your new location

Python -m pip install -remeted -SUSER PIP

Finally try to install Python-Binance again called Library

Pip Install Python Bunks

Alternative Solution: Installation with virtual environment

Alternatively, you can use a virtual environment (such as “Virtualenvor" Conda ") to manage your project dependencies. This is how you can do it:

  • Create a new virtual environment : Complete the following command on your terminal:


python3 -m Venv my_env

Replace my_env with the desired name of your virtual environment.

  • Take the virtual environment :


Source my_env/bin/activate


My_env \ scripts \ Inconi


  • Install Python-Binance with PIP : After activating the virtual environment, you should be able to install “Python-Binance” without encountering Modenotfounderror.


Pip Install Python Bunks

  • Check the installation :


Python -C "Import Binance; Print (Binance)"

If all goes well, this command should bring out the truth, indicating that Python can successfully bring and use the Binance library.

Troubleshooting for the following steps

If none of these solutions work for you, you may need to study more closely:

* Check package versions : Make sure the python installation is up to date and compatible with “Python-Binance”. You can check the most version with PIP or update your current installation.

* Check dependencies : Make sure all the necessary packages (such as binance) are properly installed. If you have problems with other libraries, consider installing them first.

Additional tips

Ethereum: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'binance'

  • Always follow the best practices for Python project management, including creating a virtual environment and using PIP to install addictions.

  • When working with third -party libraries like Binance, make sure you understand their license.

Ethereum Trust

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