Ethereum: What keys are used in the blockchain’s levelDB (i.e. what are the key:value pairs)?

I will be presenting an article on the structure of the Ethereum blockchain, focusing on LevelDB and node.js.

Ethereum Blockchain Structure: A Deep Dive into LevelDB

The Ethereum blockchain is a decentralized public record-keeping system that allows transactions to be verified and stored on the network. To understand how it works, we need to break down its basic architecture.

Blockchain Structure

The Ethereum blockchain consists of several layers:

  • Block: A block is a collection of transactions. Each transaction consists of a sender, recipient, amount, and other important data.
  • Chain: A chain is a sequence of blocks that make up the Ethereum blockchain. Each block contains a hexadecimal hash of the previous block.
  • Header: The header is a unique identifier for each block. It includes metadata such as timestamp, confirmation count, etc.

LevelDB: Distributed Database

LevelDB, a distributed database, is used to efficiently store blockchain data. LevelDB allows for fast searching, writing, and updating of large datasets with low latency.

In the Ethereum blockchain architecture, LevelDB is used to store block headers and other metadata. This means that you can access specific blocks by their unique header ID.

Key/Value Pairs

Ethereum: What are the keys used in the blockchain levelDB (ie what are the key:value pairs)?

To understand how LevelDB works with key-value pairs, let’s look at an example:

Suppose we want to get a block header with the following key-value pairs: “block_number”, “timestamp”, and “nonce”.

  • “block_number” is a unique identifier for the block.
  • “timestamp” indicates when the block was created (in seconds since the Unix epoch).
  • “nonce” is an optional value that indicates how many times a block creator can submit transactions before it is confirmed.

To access this data in LevelDB, we would use the following key-value pairs:

| Key | Value |

| — | — |

| “block_number” | “1234567890” (actual block number) |

| “timestamp” | “1643723400.000Z” (timestamp) |

| nonce | “42” (optional value) |

LevelDB stores this data as a hash of key-value pairs:


"block_number": "1234567890",

"timestamp": "1643723400.000Z",

"nonce": "42"


Node.js and LevelDB

To access the blockchain database directly using node.js, you can use the “leveldb” package. Here is a simplified example:

const level = require('level');

// Create a new LevelDB instance

const db = level(':memory:'); // ':memory:' is a special key that allows only memory databases

// Insert some data into the database

db.set('block_number', '1234567890', { timestamp: 1643723400.000Z, nonce: 42 });

db.set('transaction_hash', 'abcdefg');

// Get the header of a specific block using its ID

const blockHeader = db.get('block_number');


// Update LevelDB data (optional)

db.update('block_number', { timestamp: 1643723401.000Z, nonce: 43 });

In this example, we create a new LevelDB instance and insert some data into it using “set()”. We then get the header of a specific block using its ID and update the data if necessary.


The Ethereum blockchain structure is built on LevelDB for efficient storage and retrieval. Once you understand how LevelDB works with key-value pairs, you can directly access the Ethereum blockchain database using node.js. However, keep in mind that this requires creating and properly maintaining a LevelDB instance.

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