Metamask: While importing metamask sdk resolve module `crypto` error

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Metamask Import Error in React Native Project

Are you using the official React Native integration for MetaMask, the popular cryptocurrency wallet? Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to frustrating errors when importing the MetaMaskSDK module. In this article, we’ll walk through what’s happening and how to resolve it.

The Issue:

When you create a new React Native project with npx react-native init, you’re installing MetaMask SDK using npm install meta-mask-sdk. However, this installation may not include the necessary dependencies for Metamask. Specifically, the error occurs when trying to import the crypto module from meta-mask-sdk.

Error Message:

The error message is quite straightforward:

Error: While importing metamask-sdk resolve module 'crypto' error

This indicates that there’s a conflict between the MetaMask SDK and your project’s dependencies, specifically the crypto module.

Why This Happens:

When you installed MetaMask SDK using npm install, it likely included the crypto dependency. However, when importing meta-mask-sdk, React Native is unable to find the required crypto module, resulting in this error message.

Resolving the Error:

To resolve this issue, try the following steps:

  • Check your project’s dependencies: Ensure that you haven’t accidentally removed or disabled any necessary dependencies for MetaMask.

  • Update your project’s package.json: Check if the crypto module is included in your project’s dependencies. If not, add it using the following syntax:

"dependencies": {

"crypto": "^4.0.0"


  • Use a different method to import MetaMaskSDK: Instead of importing directly from meta-mask-sdk, try using a more explicit approach by creating your own MetaMaskSDK instance and configuring it to use the crypto module. You can find an example implementation in the official React Native documentation: [Importing MetaMask SDK](

Code Example:

Metamask: While importing metamask sdk resolve module `crypto` error

Here’s a simple code snippet that demonstrates how to create your own MetaMaskSDK instance and configure it to use the crypto module:

import { MetaMaskSDK } from '@meta-mask/sdk';

const metaMask = new MetaMaskSDK({

enabled: true,

options: {

accounts: {

// specify your Ethereum account or network here

accounts: [




chainId: 3, // Ethereum Mainnet


providers: ['metamask']


By following these steps and adjusting your imports accordingly, you should be able to resolve the crypto module error when using MetaMask SDK in your React Native project.

I hope this article helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

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