Solana: How do I take the cut from a transaction in Solana/Token?

How to cut out of the transaction in Solanie: Guide

Solana: How do I take the cut from a transaction in Solana/Token?

Solana, fast and scalable blockchain platform, allows programmers to build a wide range of applications at the top of their network. One of the popular use cases is to create products based on tokens that use the Solana (SOL) coin. However, when it comes to earning these products, one key aspect should be solved: downloading transaction fees.

In this article, we will examine how to cut transactions in the Solana network and provide guidelines for financing the project via the platform.

Why do you need to cuts transaction fees?

Transaction fees are a significant stream of revenues for the Solana ecosystem. When users send SOL to receive payments, transactions are deducted from the amount. Although this may seem a convenient function, it may actually be harmful to your project if it is not properly managed.

How to cut transactions in Solanie: Step by step guide


  • Choose a transaction fee model : There are two main models of charging fees: a model based on SOL (in which users pay in SOL) and Solana-Fee model (where you get a percentage of transaction fees).



Here is an example of how to create a transaction that deducts the fees from the SOL amount:


Import {TransactionConfig} with "@Solana/Web3.js";

const config: transactionsconfig = {

Accounts: [

// Public key of the token contract, used to sign transactions

{Pubkey: '0x ... Your public token key ...'},


Data: "0x ... transaction data ...",


Async function withdraw () {

Const Tx = Wait for the transaction


Accounts: [...],


expect TX_SIGN (TX);


  • Manage the transaction fees : You must decide how much transaction fee you want to take as income. This amount can be calculated by subtracting a fixed percentage or based on a solo user balance.

Sample use of: a product based on tokens

Let’s assume that you are building a product based on tokens that allows users to put your SOL to a reward and participate in management decisions. To get a cut from the transaction, you can configure the transaction model in which users receive a certain prize amount (e.g. 10% of the transaction fee) in addition to the SOL they pay.

Here is an updated example:


Import {TransactionConfig} with "@Solana/Web3.js";

const config: transactionsconfig = {

Accounts: [

// Public key of the token contract, used to sign transactions

{Pubkey: '0x ... Your public token key ...'},


Data: "0x ... transaction data ...",


Async function withdraw () {

Const Tx = Wait for the transaction


Accounts: [...],


expect TX_SIGN (TX);


Project financing by Solan

To finance your product, you need to create a token based on salt, which allows users to buy it with SOL or other tokens. This can be achieved by creating a new token agreement and implementing the token mechanism and baking mechanism.

Here is an example of how to create a token based on Solana:

“ Javascript

Import {TransactionConfig} with “@Solana/Web3.js”;

const config: transactionsconfig = {

Accounts: [

// Public key of the token contract, used to sign transactions

{Pubkey: ‘0x … Your public token key …’},


Data: ‘0x …

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