Fixing SB Anchorutils.adadenv () Wrong Way on Keyfile
The Problem you encounter arises from a common error in the anchorutils.ladenv () function. In Your Case, The Problem Consists of the Wrong Path To The File ". Key".
the problem: Incorrect Path of Keyfile
When you usesb.anchorutils.adadenv (), this feature loads Environmental Variables and Settings from a particular directory. However, you pass relatively as a keyfile road:
Const {keypair, Connection, Program} = Wait for Sb.anchorutils.adadenv (‘./ Target/deploy/’);
This will look for an object Environment in the following Structure of the Directory:
|- .nv
|- ... (Other Files)
Notice the point (. ') At the end of' .nv
, which is incorrect. It must be relative to the current working directory or the designated base directory.
Solution: Update The Keyfile Path
To fix this problem, you need to update the keyfile path to direct target your key
Const {keypair, Connection, Program} = Wait for sb.anchorutils.adadenv (‘./ Target/deploy/.nv’);
Make sure your file .nv
is in a relative path that is properly. In this case, you already use ./Target/deploy/
, so the road must be correct.
Additional Tips
- Be Cautious When Using Absolute Roads in Production Environments to Avoid Security Problems.
- Consider Using Environmental Variables Directly Instead of Loading Them from Files:
Const {Keypair, Connection} = Wait for SB.anchorutils.ludenv ();
This approach Eliminates the Need for File Paths and Makes Your Code More Secure.
Example of the Use of the Case
Here’s a complete example that demonstrates how to solve the problem:
Import {anchorutils} From 'Anchor';
Import sb from '@subql/sb';
Import {anchorutil} from './anchor-tils';
Const accountaddress = 'your-acut-address';
Conn secret = 'your secret word';
Const Networkname = 'Mainnet';
// Set URL to Your Node, Cluster Name and Network Type
constantly NODEURL = '
Constquision = 'cluster-to-take';
Const network type = 'MAINNET';
Try {
// variables to load medium
Const {Keypair, Connection} = Wait for Anchorutil.ludenv ();
// Use the Variables of the loaded medium
Const program = New SB.Program (Networkname, Nodeurl, Clustername);
// Perform some actions with your account and secret ...
} Catch (Error) {
Console.error (error);
Following these steps and tips, you should be able to resolve the problem with sb.anchorutils.ludenv ()
and use your way to keyfile perserry.