Solana: Solana verify Errors

Error Message Analysis: Solana Verification Failed

As a developer working with the Solana blockchain, I am encountering errors when attempting to verify a program – this is a common issue that requires immediate attention. In this article, we will take a closer look at the error message and discuss possible solutions.

When analyzing the error message

The above error message indicates that the following steps need to be taken:

  • cmd:solana-verify over-from-repo --program-id $PROGRAMID

    Solana: Solana verify Errors

    : This command is run to verify a program on Solana. The --program-id $PROGRAMID flag specifies the program identifier to be checked.

  • Docker image found for Solana version 2.1.0: After a successful check, a docker image associated with the specified Solana version (in this case, 2.1.0) was found.

Error Explanation

The error message states that there was a problem during the verification process:

  • Unable to ...: The text “Unable” indicates a problem or inconsistency in the information provided.
  • cmd:solana-verify over-from-repo: This command is running and completed successfully. However, this does not provide any information about what went wrong.
  • Docker image found for Solana version 2.1.0: Although a Docker image with the specified version was found, the result is an error.

Possible Reasons

Based on the error message, there are several possible causes to consider:

  • Version Mismatch: docker image for Solana version 2.1.0 may not match the expected version (in this case 2.1.0). This may lead to compatibility issues with API or Solana requirements.
  • Incorrect Docker Repository URL: The provided GitHub repository URL may be incorrect or outdated, which may cause the docker image for Solana version 2.1.0 command to fail.
  • Program ID mismatch: The program ID passed as a flag ($PROGRAMID) may not match the actual program ID of the program under test.


To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  • Check the Docker Repository URL and Image Version: Double-check the provided GitHub repository URL to ensure that it is accurate and matches the expected version.
  • Check the Program ID: Ensure that the --program-id $PROGRAMID flag correctly specifies the program ID to check.
  • Update Solana SDK or configuration: If you are using an older version of the Solana SDK, consider upgrading to a newer version.

Workaround example

For further troubleshooting, please provide the following:

  • Full error message output
  • The docker image for Solana version 2.1.0 command used during verification (if applicable)
  • The actual program identifier passed as a flag ($PROGRAMID) if different from the expected value

By providing us with this information, we can help you identify and resolve the issue with the Solana verification process.

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