Solana: The getBlock RPC request returns “Method not found”

Error in Solana: GetBlock RPC Request Returns “Method not found”

When developing a Solana application on a local node, it’s essential to understand the error messages that may occur. One common issue is when the getBlock RPC request returns an error code of Method not found. In this article, we’ll delve into what causes this error and provide steps to resolve it.

What does “Method not found” mean?

Solana: The getBlock RPC request returns

When you run a Solana node using the agave command-line tool, the getBlock RPC request is used to fetch data from the Solana blockchain. The error code returned by the API indicates that an unknown method or function was invoked, resulting in the failure of the request.

The problematic start parameters

You’ve provided the following start parameters for your node:

agave-validator \

--ledger /home/ubuntu/sol/ledger \

--accounts /home/ubuntu/sol/

Note that the --accounts parameter is not needed and should be removed. The agave-validator command-line tool will automatically compile all necessary files into a solana compiler script, which includes the accounts module.

What’s causing the error?

When the getBlock RPC request is made, it looks for methods in the getAccounts, getBalanceOf, and getRecentTransactionHash modules. However, in your case, one of these modules ( likely getAccounts) does not exist or has an unknown method.

To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps:

Step 1: Verify module existence

In your Solana project directory, run the following command to verify that all required modules are present:

solana-compiler --compile-solc --stdout --cache=none

This will compile and print a list of compiled solc files in the target/obj directory.

Step 2: Check module paths

In your start parameters, you’ve listed the path to the ledger and accounts modules. Make sure they are correct:

agave-validator \

--ledger /home/ubuntu/sol/ledger \

--accounts /home/ubuntu/sol/accounts/

If the paths are incorrect, update them accordingly.

Step 3: Check module versions

Verify that all required module versions match your project’s dependencies. Run the following command to check the current version:

solana-compiler --version

Compare this output with the expected versions for each module. Update any mismatched versions.

Step 4: Enable Solana RPC logging

To help diagnose the issue, enable the --rpc-log flag when starting your node:

agave-validator --rpc-log

This will print a log message with information about the RPC request, including the method used and any error messages returned.

Resolving the “Method not found” error

If you’ve tried the above steps and still encounter the Method not found error, it’s likely due to an issue with your Solana project setup or dependencies. To resolve this, follow these additional steps:

  • Update your Cargo.toml file to ensure all required dependencies are correctly listed.

  • Check for any conflicts between solana-compiler and other libraries you’re using in your project.

  • Verify that the getAccounts module is correctly implemented and exported.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the “Method not found” error returned by the getBlock RPC request when running your Solana node with the agave-validator command-line tool. If you’re still experiencing issues, please provide more details about your project setup and dependencies for further assistance.

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